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В начале октября 2019 года был опубликован тематический отчет Всемирного Банка “Миграция и утечка мозгов” (Migration and Brain Drain) на 2019 год. Там есть и экономический прогноз, но переводить его уже не вижу смысла, по причине слабой актуальности. Интереснее другое – суммарная оценка ВБ сравнительных объёмов иммиграции (это те, кто приезжают) и эмиграции (это те,…

Read More Migration and Brain Drain, some Moldavian aspects

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I had an interesting discussion between the subject of what languages it is useful to teach today’s “children” in the format of the most understandable usefulness in life. It is clear that there are some conventionally built into our stereotypes. And without a doubt, the first language to be taught after the mother tongue should…

Read More The Most Spoken Native Languages in the World, 2019 perspective

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I made a small chart with a comparison of the turnout on the parliamentary elections in Moldova and Ukraine since 1994. It turns out a very interesting pattern that, in my opinion, very well characterizes the problem, which Weber called as a problem of the legitimacy. In both countries, there are fewer people (but this…

Read More Comparative turnout percentage at the parliamentary elections in Moldova and Ukraine

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According to statistics from the UN Population Department (UNITED NATIONS DESA), our country’s population is decreasing by 8 people every day, and 4 of these 8 have emigrated from the country. Only the official results of the past 2018 show that the population of Moldova has decreased by almost 3,000 people. Real statistics even darker…

Read More The Book of Exodus. How dissappears Moldova.

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The first serious international scientific publication in which I participated after the first my PhD, was published in hard copy. Yes, slowly, but it was worth it. Full of statistics, graps, etc. I read my text written in the middle of 2016 – “The attitude towards the essence of the migration process has changed dramatically…

Read More My first printed scientific book in cooperation!

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http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/469061544801350816/pdf/WDR-2019-RUSSIAN.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2Hl7KZhEuskiUFIqa4ZkZ4KyCJep06klx3BxMOcaVOdMNuoFqyWne_mRc Замечательное, кратко. 1. Новые технологии преобразуют набор навыков, необходимых для работы. Снижается спрос на менее квалифицированных работников, функции которых можно перепоручить машинам. 2. Во многих развивающихся странах большое число работников по-прежнему занято малопроизводительным трудом, зачастую в компаниях неформального сектора, доступ которых к новым технологиям невысок. Показатели неформальной занятости остаются высокими. Так, доля работников, занятых…

Read More Доклад Всемирного банка по изменениям характера труда