One map for all

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There are many myths and legends about Russian voting in all Moldovan elections. Some of them are confirmed, but most of them are not. So, my 10 theses about Russian voting in Moldovan elections on 11.07.2021. What if I say that PP DA Vasile Kostiuc took 4th place in Russia? Being an aggressive populist in…

Read More 10 theses about the Moldovan votes at Russia in the parliamentary elections – 2021

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While the Moldovan CEC keeps thinking, I try to answer the question “what about voting outside the EU in the elections – 2021? And in fact, the process of recounting the protocols reveals a lot of interesting things – you could write a dissertation. Today – the final results of the voting of Moldovan citizens…

Read More A few words about “non-EU” voting in the elections-2021 in Moldova

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To paraphrase the classic, “you have to live in Moldova for a very long time, then something will work out“. Actually, for a very long or not so – is a secondary question, and the main thing is to write down all the moves carefully. Even if you are not writing them down carefully, you…

Read More The main electoral failure in the parliamentary elections of 2021 in Moldova

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While the CEC is waiting for the traditionally lost last protocol, I can quickly, with one map and a couple of sentences, answer the question that last night and last night 1.35 million voters in Moldova were asking themselves: – “HOW ***** the SHOR party can do it?” The answer is on the map and…

Read More First look at the results of parliamentary elections 2021 in Moldova