Here’s another interesting, all the same April 2019, the calculation of real GDP growth. And in this paper IMF specifically makes reference that calculates GDP not as government statistics in many countries, (you know this reasons).
And some my personal remarks.
First of all, African countries are getting out of the hell. Of cource, those countries, which have developed something other than the export of fossil resources. Ghana, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Senegal, Djibouti, Guinea. But they have small economies.
Secondly sharply and rapidly growing still poor, but very, very big Asia – by 7% in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos. And it’s not to Djibouti (sorry for about that).
Thirdly, in the EU, everybody is whistling ahead of Ireland, which is already the first economic miracle. It is catching up with Poland, and slowly, more modestly – Slovakia and Slovenia.
In-four of the major failures – it is certainly Venesuela, country is heading for total collapse and Zimbabwe – Mugabe has gone, but the bottom is still here, but this was expected. Much more interesting, that fell into recession Iran and Turkey – apparently, Ayatollah and Sultan was not so succesfully in Empire’s constructing.